Reform is the only answer.

So what has been learned from the Charlie Hebdo Paris killings? Well nothing really. We are hearing the same tired old clichés: It is a small minority of Muslims, the majority are peace loving; these atrocities are committed by nuts who are not really Muslims at all, etc. etc….
People are going to all night candle-lit vigils and holding up pens, what a load of crap.
It may make them feel better but if anything it probably just reinforces the fear.

The problem, folks, is Islam and until Islam reforms itself from the inside (which by the look of things will never happen) then the problem will always be Islam and its inability to co-exist with other religions and secularism in modern liberal democracies.

A religion which (unlike Christianity which used to be just as bad) has not changed for the better since the seventh century will obviously have trouble fitting in to the modern world. Sure, a lot of Muslims in Western countries (we don’t know how many) don’t want to indulge in terrorism or support it, but certainly a lot (we don’t know how many) are sympathetic to the Islamic cause and to the Muslims fighting us (and each other) in the Middle East.

There is a lot of talk about finding a solution: Well there is only one palatable (to the sane) solution and that is complete reform of Islam. This would require that Islam states that it no longer seeks by force (the sword) to inflict its doctrine on non-Muslims; that it renounces its abhorrent Sharia Law and such practices as the death penalty for apostasy and adultery; that it renounces its oppression of females and abandons the practice of female genital mutilation and that Islam reverts to being a religion only, rather than its present state of being a religious, social and political system. Were this to happen; were these decrees to come down from on high, then no doubt there would be dissenting States and organizations who would have to be dealt with, but at least they would not be operating under the official sanction of the Muslim leaders.(as they are now)

This is a big ask and I doubt that it is practically possible. Certainly there are Muslim scholars who are pushing for mild reform but such radical reform as I have set out would almost surely result in a Fatwa aimed at eliminating the person responsible for putting it forward. Islam in its present form is a violent and ruthless system and the Islamic powers that be will be unrelenting in their efforts to keep it so.

If nothing is done it remains to be seen whether the West will either allow itself to be enslaved by Islam or will eventually get to the stage of taking drastic action to eliminate the problem. I think the later is the most likely. Hopefully for the sake of those Muslims who truly do want peace, Islam moves to reform first.